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Simple HTML and CSS websites

If you want to have simple website where you'll present your product or service than this type of websites are ideal for you. With this websites you get low cost of development and you get faster website. Because this websites are make only with HTML, CSS and JavaScript and there are no database binding this type of website is loading in blink of an eye.


Our team have over 15 yeras experience in this filed. We'll create stuning website just for your needs. We make responsive websites, that means that website will adopt all devices eg tablet, smartphone…

If you have an old website which needs redesign be free to contact us. Provide us a detail specification about your demands and we'll create best offer for you.

Our packages HTML / CSS website:


50 EUR
  • Modern design
  • Up to 7 pages
  • 1 contact form
  • Modern slider
  • SEO


200 EUR
  • Modern design
  • Unlimited number
    of pages
  • 5 contact forms
  • Modern slider
  • Speed optimization pro
  • Multi language
  • SEO pro